Sunday, 3 January 2010

Xams Task #2

O'Sullivan, Tim, Jewkes Yvonne(2004):Media Studies Reader.London Great Britain:Arnold Publishers

" Black people have largely portrayed as part of the mainstream middle class, which does not accuratley reflect the lives of many blacks who find themselves excluded from such a life in advanced capitalist societies", Page: 155

" Blacks now appear quite often in commercials, although not in the same proportion as in the total population". page: 156

" Advertising has traditionally relied on the use of stereotypes to put across information in a format that is quick and easy for the viewer or reader to understand". Page 154

This book relates to my topic, as i am focusing on the black culture in today's society and how they are stereotyped throughout the advertising media.

Casey Bernadette, Casey Neil, Calvert Ben, French Liam, Lewis Justin(2002):Television Studies. London Great Britain:Routledge.

"Raymond Williams (1980) described advertising as a 'magic system' that promoted capitalism and deflected attention away from social class differences". Page: 5

This quote will help me in my investigation, as it focuses on what other studies have focused on when looking at the advertising industry and the results of this may contribute to my case study.

Nicholas,Joe, Price John(1988): Advanced Studies in Media. Surrey United Kingdom: Neslon Publishers.

" A media organisation's critical independene can sometimes be affected by its relationship with other organisations which need publicity". Page:21

Again this quote is very useful due to how the media and other organisations have the upper hand on what gets shown and what doesnt get shown.

Branston,Gill,Stafford Roy(2003): the Media Student's Book.London Great Britain.Routledge.

"Many men feel that the most compelling advertising respresentations of masculinity are ones that produce real levels of anxiety and inadequacy, even if male culture, with its emphasis on 'strong' silences or loud camaraderie, makes it difficult to talk about or express such feelings". Page: 382
This quote will help me due to it focusing more on a males perspective when advertising.

Hall,Ken, Holmes Philips(2008): Media Studies As & A2. Essex Great Britain.Parson Education.

"Gauntlett argues that the effects model makes many incorrect assumptions such as assuming children cannot cope with violence in the media in any form. page:147

This quote will be useful due to me focusing on young people (boys) in the advertising media.

Rayner,Philip, Wall Peter, Kruger Stephen(2001): As Media Studies:The Essential Introduction. London Great Britain: Routledge Publishers.

" There is a range of organisations whose role is to make sure advertisements are not causing offence or breaking the rules".

" It is very difficult to assess the effect of advertising and the extent to which people are affected by the advertisements to which they are exposed".

" Advertising promotes unrealistic and dangerous role models".

These quotes will help me as they help me understand what the real advertising world is like and what may affected by the advertising media.

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